Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 37: Finish up the Philosophes

Recap of Wednesday: Satire Commercials 1 , 2,

1.  Presentation from your notes on Wednesday.
2.  Wrap up of the unit.
3.  Haunted House.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 35: Recap and Review

1.  Recap on yesterday: who is our absolute leader?  Why did he win?  Strategies? How was he as a leader?
2.  Presentation from two days ago: A Day in the life of Louis XIV.
3.  A finale of Philosophes: 5 facts, 1opinion, 1 significance
     a) In the groups below, find the philosophe you have been given, in the text, starting on page 142.
     b) On an overhead, write 5 facts about your philosophe.
     c)  Answer the question: How did __________'s idea(s) change the society in which he lived?
     d)  Where can we see his thoughts and ideas in our society today?
4.  Present to the class.

Beccaria: p. 145: Kara, Jon, Caitlyn
Rousseau: p. 145: Shaelyn, Eric, Courtney
Smith: p. 146: Kelsey, Alex, Luke
Burke: P. 147: Sarah l., Kevin,  Nicole
Locke: Dallas, Sarah N., Megan
Voltaire:p. 143: Matt, Emma

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 34: Absolute POKER

1.  Kingdoms: Their names, their king and his council.
2.  Do the following:

1.   In your kingdom groups, write 20 laws that you want your subjects to follow.
2.  Ensure that your laws cover topics such as economy, education, laws and punishments, the arts, the military and defense of your kingdom (among others you deem important).
3.  The King decides what goes on the page.  ONLY the king decides what shall be laws.
4.  The Secretary may NOT SPEAK or OFFER an opinion.  They must only write what they are told to write.
5.  wait for it ...
6.  wait for it ...
7.  wait for it ...
8.  Now, we all know that true power does not always lie with the leader.  Often advisors actually run the show.  THEREFORE,  
a.  The Secretary will now present three laws that fully encompass what their kingdom is all about.  This is the decision of the secretary ONLY.
b.  After the three laws have been explained, we will vote as to which kingdom in which we would most like to live.
9.  And now the game to the winner ... 5 card-Madelle poker.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 33: Absolutism and King Louis XIV

1.  What do you think of when you hear the word King?
2.  #1, #2, #3
3.  Video: An Overview of the life of Louis XIV
4.  Lecture 
5. Presentation: A Day in the life of the king.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 32: Les Philosophes

1.  What and how did the Philosophes change?
2.  Review notes from Tuesday.
3.  Get ready for our trip to the DALAI LAMA!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 30: Les Philosophes and Individual Interviews

1.  Continue to finish the work from yesterday, using the text.
2.  I will be by to speak with everyone about their upcoming due dates.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 29: The Enlightenment

1.  They said what???
2.  Introduction to the Enlightenment: Text Guide
3.  Les Philosophes

Fill in date chart.  We will review these tomorrow.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 28: Martin Luther Seminar

Hand in your question at the beginning of the seminar.

Good luck everyone!

Day 27: Seminar Prep

Work in the library to prepare your seminar.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 26: Seminar Prep and Document Choice

1.  My seminar on the 95 Theses will be on MONDAY.  Please prep the document as discussed in class.  Answer the question given to you in order to hand it in on MONDAY at the beginning of the period.
2.  Your document for your seminar must be filled in on the spreadsheet by MONDAY.
3.  Start to prep your own document.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 25: Test and CHILEAN RESCUE!!!!!

Your first test.  Take your time, and write with conviction and understanding of the subjects.

Then we'll watch live coverage of the rescue of the Chilean miners.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 24: Seminar outline

1.  Seminar outline
2.  My seminar: 95 Theses
3.  Prep for test.
4.  Prep for seminar

Reminder:  Test tomorrow!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 23: Film and Review

1.  Finish the film Luther.
2.  Review notes.
2.  Review for the test on Wednesday ... go over review questions.  Please let me know if you have any questions about SIGNIFICANCE and how to prove it.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 22: Luther - the film

1.  Watch Luther.

Reminder: TEST next Wednesday.  Please prepare your review questions.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 20: Test prep and Essay planning

1.  Essay prep questions: discuss and explain
2.  Library for Processfolio sheet 1

Revolution in song presentations

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 19: Last of the Presentations

1.  King Henry VIII
2.  Da Vinci
2.  Discussion about yesterday.
3.  Essay planning